Monday, December 12, 2016

Names of fruits


Apple – алим  
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.

               Asparagus – хэрээний    нүд 
Asparagus is a shoot vegetable – we eat the stalk and the tip. It makes any dish look more interesting with its unusual shape. Asparagus is a good source of a vitamin called folate, which is important for healthy blood.

Bananas make a nutritious snack! They are a great source of energy and contain lots of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, which is important to help cells, nerves and muscles in your body to work properly and it helps to lower blood pressure. They have a thick skin to protect them, which is green before bananas are ripe, and get more yellow in colour and sweeter in taste as they ripen. We peel away the skin and eat the soft fleshy part of the fruit underneath. Bananas grow in hanging clusters, sometimes called hands, on the banana plant in tropical regions like Southeast Asia. You can eat them raw, baked, dried or in a smoothie. Why don't you try mashing it up and have it with yoghurt or porridge or even on brown toast? 

Cherry – Интоор 
Cherries are stone fruits - just like their friends the apricots. A cherry tree can carry on producing fruit for 100 years! Cherries grow from stalks in pairs. Ahhh! Sweet ones like the Bing cherry are nicest on their own or in a fruit salad. Sour ones like Morello cherries are tastier cooked. 

Fig – Инжэр жимс

Figs are soft sweet fruits, full of small seeds and often eaten dried. They grow on trees. Fresh figs are delicious and jams and chutneys are often made from them. The skin of a fig is very thin and ripe figs do not keep or travel very well so in warm countries figs are dried. 
Grape – Усан үзэм 

Grapes grow in bunches on vines. On the inside, they are sweet, juicy and jelly-like. Green grapes are also called white grapes and are dried to make sultanas. Purple ones can be called black grapes and are dried to make raisins. There are red grapes too - red grape juice tastes totally delicious! 

                                                                         Guava -  шар гуа

The guava fruit is widely grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It can be round to pear-shaped with a thin skin that is green and turns yellow as it ripens. The flesh can be white or even pink, and the seeds can be eaten. The guava fruit contains lots of beta-carotene (which forms vitamin A in the body) and vitamin C. The flesh can make a great snack or dessert chopped up, or scooped straight from the skin.

Kiwi fruit – киви

A kiwi fruit is hairy on the outside and soft in the middle. It is one of the only fruits to be green when it is ripe. You can scoop out the juicy green flesh with a spoon just like a boiled egg! One kiwi fruit contains all the vitamin C you need for a whole day. Vitamin C helps your body to heal cuts and bruises and to fight colds. 
                                                                      Lemon – нимбэг

It is said that, long ago, explorer Christopher Columbus carried lemons on his ships - the vitamin C stopped his sailors from getting a disease called scurvy. You can squeeze out the juice and mix it with water and a little sugar to make a zingy drink. 
  Nectarine – амтат тоор   жимс

Nectarines are a type of peach with a thin smooth skin and firm flesh. The skin of a peach is more furry but the fruit tastes almost exactly the same. You have to be very gentle with them - they can bruise, just like you do, and the fruit will go bad where the bruise is.

Olive – чидүн жимс

Olives are really fruits and they grow on trees. If green olives are left on the tree, they turn black. Have you had them on a pizza? Olives come in many sizes and flavours so you may need to try lots of different ones to find out which ones you like best.

                                                                 Orange – амтат жүрж 

Oranges are really famous - they are one of the most popular fruits in the world! Oranges grow best in countries such as Spain and Italy - where it's hot and sunny during the day and cooler at night. A glass of pure orange juice counts as one of your 5 A DAY. Try cutting an orange into quarters and freezing it to make a healthy icy treat!
           Pineapple -  хан     боргоцой

It can take TWO YEARS to grow a pineapple. This rough, spiky fruit is actually made up of lots of smaller fruits that have stuck together. It was given its name because early explorers thought it looked like a pine cone. You could use the skin of a pineapple as a bowl to eat your fruit salad! 
Pumpkin- хулуу

Pumpkins are orange on the outside, and also on the inside. Although we associate pumpkins with Halloween decoration, they are actually a tasty vegetable too (but we don't eat the outside, just the flesh inside) and they are related to the cucumber. They can be boiled, baked, roasted or mashed and make delicious soups and even pumpkin pie! They have plenty of beta-carotene, which is turned into vitamin A in our bodies. It is the beta-carotene that give pumpkins their orange colour. There is another part of the pumpkin we use too! Pumpkin seeds can be roasted and eaten as a tasty snack, or sprinkled over yoghurt, and are a good source of essential fatty acids (the good fats). 

Anyone for tennis? Followed by some strawberries of course! Around 25,000kg of strawberries are eaten at Wimbledon each year. Strawberries are actually members of the rose family. They are the only fruits to have their seeds on the outside - one strawberry can have as many as 200. 
                                                                        тарвас шиигуа

Watermelons grow along the ground and they can be ENORMOUS. They contain lots of water and are really, really refreshing! In China, children love drinking watermelon juice in summer to help them stay cool. The Chinese name for a watermelon is xigua.

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